Success is an interesting concept, one I have studied for many years while working with some very successful people.
While watching these people I have seen that their success always
followed the same, general, path. I have broken that path down into 8
simple steps that you can follow and make your success a reality.
1. Goal Setting
If you have read my blog or the articles I have written here on pick
the brain you can see that I discuss goal setting a lot. It is because I
don’t think you can succeed if you haven’t decided what you consider
success, first.
You need to have a target to aim for, you need to know why you are working.
2. Planning
Without a roadmap success is impossible. Many studies have been made to
why some entrepreneurs succeed while others don’t. In most cases, it all
comes down to planning.
Successful entrepreneurs have made complete plans for how they are
going to succeed and what they plan on doing. Often they end up doing
something completely different, but the act of planning moves you to a
long term mindset and it gives you a frame of reference when you
evaluate opportunities and something to update when it is time to
Read about how to create Your Master Plan.
3. Acting
A perfect plan cannot do anything until acted on. All the successful
people I have worked with have developed the habit of acting. When they
get an idea they take action at once.
When they see an opportunity they don’t wait until tomorrow, they act. Once you have completed your plan, act on it.
4. Fail/learn
Every successful person I have met have failed at least once, by failed I
don’t mean you have to go bankrupt, but at least once their plans
didn’t go as they thought. They didn’t know everything before they
started. There were things they needed to learn.
When you start towards your success you will hit at least one bump on
the road, learn from it, learn how to avoid it and then get back on the
5. Planning
With the new lesson you have learned you will need to update your plan,
it might not be any major changes but you will need to do something. You
will need to make some adjustments so that you take the quickest way
towards your goals.
6. Acting
Strangely this is the most common part people miss. They try once, they
fail, they make new plans and then they stop. They don’t have the
courage to try again.
It feels almost ridiculous when you see the steps one after another,
taking action on the plan you just made should be obvious, but everyone
doesn’t do it.
Your chances of success are infinitely higher now that you have
failed once, use the knowledge you have paid for and succeed. If you do
you will be one of the chosen few who live their dreams.
7. Learning
After going through the first crushing setback you learn a lot, but as
you continue and get nearer and nearer your success you will see that
you constantly need to learn more. Successful people seek out knowledge
and never believe that they know everything. They continue improving
themselves all the time.
8. Succeeding
After your struggles are complete and you have learned enough you will
succeed. This step is mostly about recognizing it. Once you have
succeeded make sure to take pleasure in it, don’t blindly continue
working and toiling. Live your dream life, the one you have deserved.
I hope you liked this article and found it useful.