‘There are two driving forces in your life: love and fear.
Love is your higher self.
It is the place of pure intention and hope.
When your higher self drives your life you are on purpose and
empowered. Life surges through you; you thrive and society thrives
because of it.
Fear, of course, is its opposite and is your lower self.
It is, unfortunately, the place from where the majority of us exist.
When fear drives your life you stagnate and die. You don’t live your
true purpose and you become dark and heavy and the world suffers as a
Who is the driver of your life?
Who are you allowing it to be? How do you know?
Most of the time you don’t, as you are totally unaware of what is controlling you and your victim circumstances.
Ask yourself.
Are you living your true passion and purpose? Does life course through your body allowing it to feel light and powerful?
If the answer is no, then you are allowing your lower self to
control your life. It is a bitter pill to swallow but the truth is fear
drives your life.
“But fear is a good thing,” you say, “it protects me and keeps me safe.”
Fear does serve a very important purpose; to warn you when you are in
physical danger and this is when we should heed its call. At any other
time, fear suffocates you and prevents you from knowing for yourself how
beautiful you are and all you are capable of.
When Fear Drives Your Life
Fear once was the dominant driver in my life and I was dying inside
because of it. Deep down I knew I was capable of more but my lower self
was in control and I could just never allow myself to be.
I had gone through my life dreaming of becoming a writer. Writing was
always my silent passion. It was the form I took as a child to express
myself. It was where I felt most safe and most recognized. I could
express my thoughts, opinions and ideas without it being criticized or
My lower self, though was always the driver of my life. This was the
part of me that believed I was worthless and had no ability whatsoever.
It was never shy to tell me so either. I would write from my heart and
it would say,
“That is crap Caroline! You cannot write. No-one will ever read
your words or be inspired by them. Don’t be so ridiculous to think you
can do this.”
And so it went and I would put down my pen and give up on my dream.
My lower self had me believe that it was just a far out wish; much
similar to my one of being a rock star. That it would just never happen,
and so I would forget about it.
The Struggle for the Higher Self to Win
My higher self was always there struggling to come out and be the
driver. It was holding onto my dream for me and was trying to make it a
reality- but it had so many obstacles to overcome first.
For years my lower self dominated and nothing I tried could make it
take a lessor role. I was dying inside and living such an incomplete and
unfulfilled life because of it. It was not living my life on purpose.
My higher self kept trying to surface and eventually, through much
introspection and self-improvement work, allowed my lower self to
finally recognize what my higher self always knew.
That I was powerful beyond measure, that I was worth sharing with the world and that I could be, do and have anything I wanted. I could make a difference.
My higher self now drives my life. It knocked my lower self to the
ground and asked the fear to remain their only as a warning to me in
those moments of danger when I truly needed it.
When your Higher Self Drives Your Life
I no longer just write my thoughts in the privacy of my journal. I am
now regularly published across the net. I write two popular blogs that
both have newsletters and podcasts; I have written a few ebooks and have
almost finished my book on my experiences travelling the world
inspiring others to do the same, and have just hosted my first
teleconference on travel blogging.
I regularly receive comments from my readers as to how my words
uplift and inspire them. I am beginning to live my dream and my purpose.
I tell you this to impress upon you the absolute power there is in taking the time to work on yourself. You can move mountains and you can free your soul.
You came here for a purpose and for most of us fear holds us back from being who we truly are. We don’t even notice this so habitual are our limiting thoughts, beliefs and actions.
We need help to move aside those lower forces of fear and allow love to guide us into our purposeful future.
Now in my life when I reach a moment of decision or courage, I
recognize so clearly the voice of fear telling me what I should do to
become less. I did not know this voice before, it acted with me being so
totally unaware of it. At times now the voice can get strong enough to
almost make me follow it, but the driver in my life has changed.
I have moved beyond freedom into living a life on purpose. The fear is still there but I know how to control it. I know when to listen to it and when to use it.
I know who to allow to be the driver of my life.
Start Choosing the Driver of Your Life
What is possible for you? What is your higher self asking you to do? What is your lower self squashing that it shouldn’t be?
It will always remain squashed until you find a way to remove that
fear and let love for yourself and all things be the greater power.
Fear does not want you to take control because then fear will no longer have any strength or power.
You need to know for yourself just how worthy and capable you are of living your true purpose. My mission is to help people become aware of their higher self and allow this to be the dominant driver in their life.
The choice is yours as to whether you will allow fear or love to drive your life.
Love is our higher being.
With love all things are possible. With love we thrive.
Imagine the world if we were all driven by love and not fear?