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How To Win The Human Race

It’s a fact that when we are born we have become yet another member of the human race. But at the same time we have entered a long distance event, not a 100-meter sprint, also called the human race

Our competitors?

Ourselves – and our last performance.

So let’s delve a little deeper into how you can position yourself, all your life, to win your human race.

1. Know You

There are so many human beings living on planet earth who are trying either to live their lives like someone else or trying to fill a role that has been ‘expected of them’ by others.

This is why it is imperative that you make a study of you.

Ask yourself these questions:
  • Who am I?
  • What are my gifts and natural talents?
  • What do I love doing?
  • Wherein lies my passion?
  • What was I born for?
  • Whom can I effectively serve with my gifts?
  • What is my calling?
  • What task needs to be done by myself that cannot be filled by another?
  • What do I like about myself?
  • What do I love about myself?
  • If time and money were in abundance, how would I spend my days?
  • What gets me excited?
  • What do I dream of being and doing?
  • What goals do I have for my life?
This is your two-legged race where you must keep your eyes on the finishing line, keeping within your lane, all the way to success and fulfillment.

2. Know Your Purpose

Life is not a five-minute event nor a one-minute dash.

It takes a lifetime to live a life filled with purpose.

It is a long-distance marathon where only those who maintain optimum fitness in spirit, soul, and body will at the end of their days be able to say, ‘I have run the race and I am well pleased.’

For a life to be lived on purpose it must have a purpose, a reason, a goal, and a point of significance.

This purpose will lift you above the surface of mediocrity bursting full of life and embellished with a spirit of 

Ask yourself the question: For what purpose have I been born?

Don’t rush to get the answer – but as you make it your purpose to unwrap your purpose the answer will come, and life for you will be lived with a great sense of meaning and momentum.

3. Know Your Contribution

One of the highlights of the church picnics that I would attend as a young child was entering an event called the three-legged race.

This is where two individuals have one of their legs joined together by rope or other material and the aim of the race is for the two to run as one in a synchronized fashion.

Life is for living for you, but not just by you.

No man or woman is an island. So, in order to win in life we must learn to co-operate with others and to contribute into the lives of others.

And there are times when we come together as a team to complete projects that one person on their own could never achieve.

This is where there needs to be a spirit of co-operation  – not just the spirit of competition.

But with this alignment there must be a working together. For if one partner doesn’t flow in complete agreement with the other the results, as witnessed in many three-legged races, can be disastrous.

4. Know Your Craft

Once you have identified your purpose, have become aware of your unique gifts and talents – that is where you must begin to shape, mold and mature those qualities.

This is how you know your craft. You study, you practice, you repeat, you analyze, and you evaluate. You take that which is good in your life and make it excellent through constancy of improvement.

Rusty performances can only be overcome through the ongoing practice of use.

Don’t be satisfied with being just good. Strive to be the very best that you can possibly be. Don’t allow amateur status to be your hallmark. Approach all that you do with the mindset of a professional.

5. Know

Hurdles are a part of any human race.

So what do you do with hurdles? How do you deal with opposition? What response are you going to give when unexpected detours appear?

Are you going to allow them to derail you, or lure you off your track? Or are you going to learn how to jump? And how high are you going to jump?

The person who knows who they are, what they’ve been born for  – no matter what is thrown in their path – will continue to move forward step by step in life.

They will rise above disasters and disappointments every time – stronger and more resilient than ever  – to face another day as they continue to win their human race.’

How are you progressing in your human race?

Motivational Memo: To win your human race – never lose sight of your personal finish line.