I’d bet that, as a kid, you heard the phrase “Hard work never killed anyone.”
I can see why parents and teachers say it. After all, kids are prone
to whining – about homework, chores, or anything that’s not exactly a
lot of fun.
As adults, we’re sometimes averse to hard work too. Maybe we procrastinate, or we slack off.
Often, though, we work too hard. We put in long hours to impress our bosses, or simply to make a bit more money.
The thing is, Mom wasn’t telling the truth. Hard work can kill. Think about:
- Stress-related illnesses, like migraines, high blood pressure and even heart attacks
- Poor lifestyle choices caused by busyness (eating on the run, not exercising) that lead to long-term consequences like weight gain, diabetes, even strokes
In some working environments, and some peer groups, there’s a cult of busyness: you might end up feeling that you have to work long hours just to keep up with everyone else.
How Did We Get So Busy?
On the face of it, the long-hours culture seems odd. Over the past
fifty years, technological advances mean that we’ve got all sorts of
labor-saving devices that our grandparents didn’t have, like washing
machines, dishwashers, computers…
In fact, a generation or two ago, people believed that by now, our main problem would be too much leisure time.
It’s not worked out like that. Some of that’s for good reasons – like
our innate need to do productive, useful work. But there are a lot of
not-so-good reasons too:
- We work hard because advertisers convince us that we need to keep buying bigger and better products
- We take on debt because banks push credit cards and unaffordable mortgages
- We think that “frugality” is a dirty word
- We’ve been seduced by a culture that tells us “having it all and having it now” will make us happier
Perhaps we think that this way of life is inevitable. Our friends and
colleagues all work hard, probably in jobs they don’t like very much,
and let off steam at the weekends. But does it really need to be that
What Really Matters to You?
Prioritizing money and work above everything else can be fatal. And even if it’s not, it can come with a very hefty price tag. Do you really want to:
- Spend the majority of your life working at something you don’t like?
- Miss seeing your kids grow up?
- Put money before your real values?
Your health and your happiness are important. Sure, working hard to
reach your goals is a valuable trait … but it’s not the only thing that
matters in life.
I know there aren’t any easy answers. I know that you might be in a situation where you have
to work incredibly hard just to make ends meet. But if you’ve got any
sort of choice, I’d urge you to start looking for ways to enjoy life a
little more. That might mean cutting back on what you spend on things
that you don’t really care too much about – and having more freedom