“When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That is my religion.”
~ Abraham Lincoln
~ Abraham Lincoln
Who doesn’t want to feel good about themselves? We all do. Though, in
our own good, unique ways. I have jotted down my feel good factors and I
would be happy to know if you could add your take to the list.
Receiving Compliments: ‘I can live my entire life on
a good compliment’.. someone must have said this keeping a person like
me in mind. I love receiving compliments and that’s the reason I am
quite generous in paying compliments. I remember a few things that
people told me about myself, that manage to bring smile to my face even
in the darkest hours. When the middle aged Air India Flight attendant
complimented me on my smile it was unforgettable and when my friend
George said he thought I was one the most kind-hearted people he had
known.. it was the sweetest thing I had heard about myself. It gave me
such a boost. Such compliments always encourage me to keep a smiling
face and to be warm to people.
Losing Weight (keeping fit): With the latest fad of
PYT or fit people, losing pounds has become a universal mission. The
feel good factor here is not really losing weight.. but achieving what
you aim for keeping or being healthy. Exercising a bit, going for a walk
or having a healthy diet definitely make a person feel better and
Reading: This is not just for book lovers. We all
admire and respect knowledge. And what a better way of learning than
reading! Read anything – novel, non-fiction, newspaper or even one
article per day. After finishing reading it, you would surely feel good
that you learned something new.
Reconnecting with Friends: How do you feel when you
suddenly get a call from an old pal? It certainly makes my day. And
don’t worry.. if you are not getting a call, why not give a call and
make him/her feel good?! Old friends are like treasures. And
reconnecting with them is like finding a hidden treasure.
De-clutter: Whether its a closet, cupboard or a
room, re-organizing or de-cluttering it is such a tedious yet relieving
task. I always believe less is more. The less stuff you have, the more
organized, happier and disciplined you are. De-cluttering is simple
but very helpful in making us believe we achieved something. For a try,
just try to de- clutter your desktop or hard disk and feel the effect.
If not all, then at least try out a few things of the above and let me know how good you feel.