New tax rules introduced in April 2013 allow sole traders (ie
self-employed, unincorporated businesses) to use simpler rules for
recording their business expenses. So what are they and how do they make
life easier?
Cash basis
The first new rule is that sole traders can record their costs on
what is called the ‘cash basis’, which means when they are paid. For
almost all sole traders, this will not be very different from what they
already do, even though previous rules stated that transactions should
be recorded when they are incurred rather than paid (known as ‘accruals
basis’). The subtle difference is when items are bought or sold on
credit or paid for at a different time.
Simplified expenses
Under the new rules, instead of recording the actual costs and
expenses incurred, a flat rate amount can be claimed for certain costs.
You can claim these flat rate amounts regardless of whether you decide
to cash account or not.
Motor expenses
45p a mile for the first 10,000 miles and 25p a mile thereafter. If you use a motorcycle for business, you can claim 24p a mile.
If you elect to use this method you cannot claim any other motor costs.
Use of home for business purposes
Instead of claiming a portion of actual expenses you can claim the following amounts:
- Number of hours home used for business per month
- 25-50 = £10/month
- 51-100 = £18/month
- 100 or more = £26/month
Eligibility for cash accounts
To use the cash accounting rules your yearly turnover in a year must
not exceed the vat registration threshold. You must leave this scheme
when your turnover exceeds twice the VAT registration threshold.
If you opt to use cash accounting there are a couple of pitfalls to be aware of:
- Losses
If you make a loss you can only carry this forward to next year. This is much less favourable that the treatment of losses should you not elect to account under the cash accounting scheme.
- Loan interest
You can only claim loan interest paid up to £500, so, if you have high business borrowing, the cash accounting scheme may not be for you.