When my coaching clients find their purpose in life, they become so enthusiastic about their new discovery.
But the fear of the unknown leaves them in a frozen status.
They are afraid of entering and exploring the new ground, because
they think they might get in trouble. They are afraid of losing what
they already have by jumping into the unknown.
So, they remain paralyzed.
They know what they should be doing, but they can’t take action
because they think there is a risk involved with this big life
The Internal Conflict Between What You Want and What You Already Have
Yes, you will be leaving your well known life and begin to embrace a totally new lifestyle.
But, here’s something that’s worth thinking about:
Aren’t you already in trouble?!
What urged you to search for your true passion?
Weren’t you hungry for a meaning in your life?
Aren’t you already feeling the pain of being lost and wandering aimlessly through life lacking a real purpose?
Are you happy with doing work that has no meaning and wasting your
precious time doing something that doesn’t really matter to you?
This Shallow Life Leaves You Already In Trouble!
So, what do you have to lose?
As Steve Jobs says, “You’re already naked, so there is no reason why you don’t follow your heart”
Life is short. So, get out of your fears, do something and make a difference.
In fact, once you start taking action, you’ll figure out what works
and what doesn’t, and you will soon gain clarity about what you should
be doing to live and connect your passion to a profitable path.
The only way to beat the fear of the unknown is to take the first
step. If you’re afraid of getting in trouble, remember that you’re
already in a bigger trouble by not following your heart. If you listen
to the voice of your fears, you’ll live an empty life. But, if you
listen to the voice of your heart, you’ll live a remarkable life.
Take the first step and beat the fear of the unknown. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain.