When you’re a hard working woman
in today’s culture chances are you give a lot more than you receive, you
often put your self-care secondary and you are exhausted. I feel for
you as rejuvenating oneself is an ongoing challenge I have been managing
for years. When I was in the corporate world during my lunch break I
would often go to the nearest luxury hotel or a local park. I would sit
out by the pool or trees and pretend I was on vacation for 20 minutes of
my lunch break. Getting outside regularly is a great way to get your
vitamin D replenished from the sun. If it is cold outside, 10 minutes is
all you need.
Some offices are instituting meditation rooms. If you are in
management or have a manager, discuss the possibility of providing a
room where you can dimly light it (with soft lighting), have some plants
and some chairs and/or pillows for meditating. A sofa and CD player
would be great options as well. Warm colors and pictures of nature on
the walls would help. A little Zen clock with timer would be helpful to
ensure people don’t fall asleep there.
The mind is a powerful entity. When we give it some quiet time,
amazing things can happen. As a hypnotherapist, I have created custom
visualization CDs for people that have helped them stop stuttering, be
more relaxed, focused, productive and athletic. They have relieved pain
and anxiety as well as shed pounds. I encourage you to find the time to
take what I call a power nap. It entails either twenty minutes where you
meditate, use a guided relaxation program, or nap.
If you would like to try a guided relaxation audio, there is a free 15-minute audio available at www.ReEnergizenow.com.
Load this onto you mp3 player and take your mini-vacation at the office
any time you need a break. You can use this during that low energy time
of day. You’d be amazed at what a power nap can do for you. Often times
these guided relaxation audios have versions to which you can fall
asleep; there is a nice selection of these power napping audios at www.SanDiegoHypnosisWorks.com.
If you really have a lot going on, you may be in need of more rest.
Most women today do not get enough rest. And if this has been a pattern
for a while work on getting eight to nine hours of sleep daily.
Furthermore, make a list of ways to nurture yourself and do one thing
a day. Here are some additional ideas for your list: meditate, gentle
yoga class, receive a massage, take a bath, float, drink more water,
take conscious breaths during your day, take a nap, sleep, take a day
off and do nothing, get a facial or give yourself a facial, go for a
walk, go for tea with a girlfriend, hire a babysitter and go to a movie,
journal, slow down, keep relaxing music on in the evening, write a love
letter to yourself, ask for a hug from someone close you, take a
vacation or staycation (vacation at home), read the other inspiring
Heart books by Sheryl Roush, develop close relationships with
like-minded women or join communities of women who will celebrate and
inspire you (like Club Joy at www.WomenInJoy.com).
Most of all I want to remind you of the incredible woman you are. You
are precious and lovable and deserve the very best that life has to
offer. So love yourself a lot. Think about how you would treat your
best friend who you adore. Would you buy her gifts, say great things
about her, be there for her to listen to her deepest thoughts and
feelings? Yes… So do that for yourself.
Rejuvenation is an ongoing process. Radical self-care pays off. You
will look younger, be more productive and thus be able to work less. You
are reading this because your health needs to be a greater priority.
That doesn’t just mean exercising and eating right. It means rest,
relaxation and nurturing.
Here’s to your joy and rejuvenation.