The first time I meditated,
I was very happy. I felt incredibly relaxed afterwards, and experienced
freedom from my thoughts in a real way for the very first time. I
thought, ‘Wow, I’m really on to something here.’ Of course, I had no
idea what was in store yet, or how true my statement really was!
As I got more and more into meditation,
I started receiving insights and connecting with an energy that I
wasn’t familiar with. These strange insights appeared to come out of
nowhere, and though I couldn’t identify their source, they just felt so
very right.
It was so strange that I had to explore it farther. I decided to see
if I could ask this source questions about my life. I remember forming a
question about my website regarding how to increase traffic. I went
outside to my little rope swing to do some quick meditating, and within minutes, received an answer!
You could imagine my surprise. It’s almost as though I had opened a
portal into a realm which contained all of the information I could ever
need. ‘I’ve got to share this.’ I thought. And so here I am doing that
very thing.
Opening the Portal Through Stillness
The key to achieving a state in which you can receive these insights
is to reach a place of stillness. And by stillness, I mean a place free
from constant, repetitive thinking and distraction. The best way to
achieve such a state is through meditation, but first we’re going to form a question that we want answered.
It really doesn’t have to be anything spectacular. Just a simple
question you have with a little substance. So while it doesn’t have to
be, ‘How do I save the world?î it also probably shouldn’t be ‘How do I
steal Becky’s boyfriend?’ Anything in between those two extremes should

Once you have your question, put it in the back of your mind. The
trick is to not consciously focus on it, as that’s going to disturb your
stillness. You simply want to be aware of it, like your subconscious is
working on it as you’re relaxing. Now it’s time to meditate.
Find a nice, quiet spot and clear your mind. I find it works best to
focus on my breathing, while observing my thoughts but not becoming
attached to them. Keep your question in the back of your mind and let
everything else go.
As time goes on, you should find yourself becoming more and more
aligned with the present moment. Your mind will start to feel expansive,
and you’ll feel very much at peace. This is your natural state of being
underneath the gunk of conditioning, so enjoy it! This is also the
state you’ll want to be in to receive your insight. It should come at
this point, or even before.
If it doesn’t, consider asking a different question or getting a bit more adjusted to meditation – it will come!
What You Wanted and What You Got
One final note about the insight itself. You may realize when you
receive your message that it isn’t quite what you expected. This depends
a lot on where you fall on the levels of consciousness
scale. If you’re usually in a low vibrational state, and you actually
did ask how to steal Becky’s boyfriend, your answer may simply have been
an intuitive feeling that you aren’t on the right path.
The higher the energy content of your question is, the more likely
you’ll be able to receive a real answer. Most lower energy questions
will simply turn up blank, as they aren’t in line with what the universe
wants as a conscious entity. If that’s happening to you, try using a meditation session to form your question, and another one to receive an answer, as that will yield higher energy questions and results.
That’s all on this subject. Now, get out there and start communicating with the universe!
Fred Tracy runs a personal development
website where he shares his insights and quirky stories. He is
practical, yet eclectic, borrowing ideas from psychology, spirituality,
and common sense, among many other sources. All of this information is
distilled into articles with the sole purpose of this: teaching you, the
reader, to live consciously and achieve the life of your dreams.