‘If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend six sharpening my axe.’
Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln
Have you watched TV programs like Downsize Me?
I really enjoy watching this! People who lead unhealthy lifestyles are
given a ‘lifestyle makeover.’ They usually end up losing weight and
finding more happiness by the end of the show. Obviously they do make
great strides over the two months they are being followed by the
cameras, but I often wonder how many of these people go back to their
old unhealthy ways once the TV cameras have left. The trouble is that
these kind of programmes focus on external things – diet, exercise,
giving up smoking – but they don’t address the inner world of the
individuals they are seeking to treat. Of course, there’s nothing wrong
with eating better, giving up smoking, drinking less and doing more
exercise, but there’s something deeper here.
The mind-body connection
The connection between mind and body is becoming more accepted in
mainstream medicine. If you think about it, this connection is pretty
obvious. When you get excited or nervous or panicky, that feeling starts
in your mind but has an immediate effect on your body. When you fall in
love, you can feel it in your body.
When you watch a sad movie, you
might start to cry. When you find out you’ve won the lottery or got an
‘A’ grade on an exam, your heart will start to beat faster and you’ll
feel all sorts of other physical effects.
R. Veenhoven carried out a scientific study of the effects of
happiness on health and concluded that happy people are less likely to
get sick and that they live longer. The difference between happy and
unhappy people was comparable to the difference between smokers and
non-smokers in terms of life span. Veenhoven’s findings can be found in
The Journal of Happiness Studies (yes there really is a scholarly
journal about happiness!)
Our autopilot
We all run on subconscious programmes. It’s how we manage to survive
in the world. If we had to think about everything we did, we wouldn’t be
able to function – there would simply be too much to think about! Our
subconscious takes control of much of our life so that, in essence, we
are running on autopilot. Examples of these habitual patterns are being
untidy, being late and being poor. All these things come from the
subconscious mind. Being sick is also a subconscious habit. I’m not
suggesting that all sickness has its origin in the mind (though it
might, and many people believe this), but we all know people who
constantly get sick, and if they were ever healthy for more than a few
months, their subconscious mind would find a way of getting back on
track by bringing along an illness of some kind.
Our subconscious scripts often come from our childhood and they were
developed because they gave us an advantage. The benefits of being sick,
as a child, are that (for example) people will pay more attention to
you, you might get a day off school, you might get some special treats
or you’ll get treated better than your siblings. I’m sure we all
remember the sheer joy of days off school as a child because of some
minor ailment.
When we grow up, these scripts stay with us. Sometimes
they can still confer an advantage on us – maybe we still get attention
from our family or a day off work – but they may also be problematic and
destructive to our lives.
The strange thing is that many of us (most of us, in fact) don’t
realize this is what’s happening. We are not even aware of the autopilot
and think that things are happening to us, and not that we are
controlling the way things turn out. But the reality is that we are in
control and we do have a choice.
How to re-script your subconscious
Viktor Frankl wrote that ‘between stimulus and response there is a
space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our
response lies our growth and our freedom.’
In that space, we can create ourselves anew. We need the right kind
of self-talk. We talk to ourselves all day long, so we need to make sure
we are saying the right things. We also see ourselves in certain
scenarios in our mind’s eye. We need to make sure these visualizations
are of what we want to achieve, how we want to feel and what sort of
person we want to be. Ultimately, we are trying to construct a good self
image. When we have clear image of the person we intend to be in our
mind, then our subconscious will start to run that script and the image
will become reality. A change in our mind will work its way out.
We need to take responsibility for our lives. Forcing ourselves to
endure exercise and eat salad whilst all the time telling ourselves that
we are unhealthy and unable to really change will get us nowhere. We
need to do it the other way round – start off with the belief that we
are fit and healthy, and this will become part of our reality. Spending a
lot of time on our mental preparation makes all the difference to our
success or failure. Sharpening the axe will make it a lot easier to cut
down the tree.
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