I am not sure how many of you are aware of the truly motivating and
vastly inspiring story of Beethoven’s Ode To Joy. If you’d permit me,
I’d like to share it with you.
Most of Beethoven’s masterpieces were composed while he was deaf.
Many of us, me included, might be horrified should we ever become deaf.
However, Beethoven would not allow deafness to stand in his way. He had
found a way to get over that obstacle.
His love for music strengthened his self-motivation to compose one
masterpiece after the other without giving in to the challenge he had.
He had music in him, and nothing, not even his deafness, would take
charge of him.
And, as we all know, he triumphed over his deafness.
Beethoven set the music to the last movement of the Ninth Symphony to
a poem entitled “Ode To Joy”. He strongly believed this poem celebrated
the brotherhood of man.
On May 07th, 1824, Beethoven conducted the Ninth Symphony. When the
“Ode To Joy” movement was over, the audience erupted in applause.
Beethoven, however, did not turn around to accept the round of applause,
as he could not hear it. Noticing this, one of the chorus members took
it upon himself to step out of line and take hold of Beethoven’s arm to
turn him around to face the audience.
But by then the applause had subsided.
As Beethoven quietly looked out into the audience, they all arose,
one by one, in standing ovation, their applause thunderous. It is said
that a single tear of joy skated down the composer’s cheek. It is also
said that a small tear had rolled down the chorus member’s cheek who
stood next to him.
This story made me think. I asked myself a few questions, which I
will address to you. What do you have that is inside of you, that’s so
strong, that it can triumph over your shyness, your fear, your lack of
self-confidence or lack of self-motivation?
What will bring your tear of joy? Who will take you by the
arm and turn you around when you are down and out, or facing the wrong
direction, or on the wrong road, so you may not only see but also hear your standing ovation? The applause, the loud cheers, the simultaneous stamping of feet?
As you think of your chorus member, feel him or her standing next to
you, shoulder to shoulder. See yourself achieving, see the new highly
enthusiastic and motivated you. See the elated you. Hold your chorus
member’s hand tightly and double your elation and motivation.
Hear the applause and the cheers of hundreds of people. Hear them
cheering you on, calling your name, loving you and you loving them back.
Feel it. Immerse yourself in it. Feel it throughout your whole body.
That applause and cheer is for you and you only. Get excited. Accept the
applause. Hold on to the cheers. Feel the emotion.
Lift your arms in the air and declare: “I am feeling strong, capable
and full of life today.” Repeat this declaration three times as loud and
as emotionally as you can. Feel an amazing, lively energy flow through
your body.
Feel so motivated that you can do anything, absolutely
anything, to achieve your goals and dreams in life. Obstacles can be and
will be nothing but sprinkles of dust that you can blow away with a
single breath.
I believe in much the same way that success breeds success,
motivation must breed more motivation. And the more motivation you have
the motivated you will become. It’s like stacking one layer of
motivation over another.
You trigger more and more motivation. Here are a couple of ways to breed, stack and trigger more motivation:
1. Celebrate your motivation attitude. Take time
out to remind yourself what you have accomplished and how far you’ve
come. Celebrate the fact that you had the motivation to start and finish
your task, objective or goal.
Celebrate there and then, immediately upon completion of the task or realization of the goal. And celebrate big!
Rejoice the small and large successes and accomplishments. Honor each
one, individually. Allow each success to bring with it its own sense of
fulfillment. This fulfillment will give you the added surge of
motivation to bring in more successes.
Make it a point to be motivated to achieve as many successes as you
can. Size doesn’t matter! A small success is still a success. That’s how
the mind sees it.
Motivation is like a snowball – it keeps gaining momentum. Imagine
what will happen when you stack one motivation over the other. The
snowball will get bigger, sooner.
2. Reward your motivation attitude. We all love
rewards, don’t we? Make it a habit to reward yourself for being and
remaining motivated. Have a long bubble bath, go to the movies or a
restaurant, buy a pair of shoes, a handbag, a watch. It is important to
reward yourself, and as you do, you will look forward to the next
By consistently celebrating and rewarding your motivation attitude
you will stimulate and encourage additional motivation. It will be
within you waiting to be automatically summoned.
Commemorate your motivation to get you where you want to be. Have a party, have fun and watch your successes escalate.