The word failure is so often misinterpreted. Failing doesn’t mean
that you have failed. It is an opportunity to learn on your path to
No one ever succeeds on their first attempt, they always face
situations they didn’t expect and often end up somewhere completely
different then they initially thought.
Your job is to work hard and smart, adapting to change and
situations, learning from your mistakes to turn the inevitable failures
you will face into a grand success.
1000 failures
The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people
isn’t how often they fail; it is how many times they try. Successful
people fail just as often, if not more, then everyone else. The
difference is that they keep picking themselves up again and again, try
new things and at last find something that works.
Just look at one of the best inventors of all time, Thomas A. Edison.
While he was trying to invent the light bulb he failed over 1000 times.
Most of us would have quit at about 100 (or maybe after just 1 failure)
but he kept going and going, learning every time until he at last got
his breakthrough.
This was Edison’s whole philosophy, he believed the human mind was
capable of anything, if you put your mind to it and worked long enough,
hard enough and were determined enough, you would make it.
To look at another genius from the past, Einstein, Einstein failed in
school. To most of us this failure would mean that all academic success
is out of reach and we would move on to other realms of work. Not
Einstein he kept working and learning and is now the founder of modern
My background isn’t as incredible as those above, but I have had my
fair share of failures and had a few successes. From these experiences I
have learned a lot. I want to share with you the 4 steps I have found,
and seen so many others take, to turn failure into success.
• Learn from your mistakes
Don’t see failing as anything but a chance to improve and learn. Every
time you fail in an attempt ask yourself the 2 questions “What did I do
well?” and “What will I do differently?” and then move on with your new
found knowledge.
• Believe In Yourself
Edison’s belief in himself and the human race is an inspiration to us
all. Know that you will succeed one way or another and you will. Never
forget that your capacity is almost unlimited.
• Reevaluate your situation
When you have met an obstacle you have a great chance ahead of you,
you can learn, take a new path and move on into territory that was
completely unknown to you before with lots of new possibilities.
Before you dive right in, evaluate your situation. Is this new line and
endeavor in line with your goals? If not it is not worth to pursue.
• Try Again
The most important lesson is not to give up. If you find that the
opportunities match your goals. Go for it! Don’t ever give up, the most
successful people in the world weren’t successful because they didn’t
fail as often, they failed more, many, many times more. But they picked
themselves up and tried again over and over until they found the right
Your potential is limitless.
What you can do is only limited by your belief. Try, try and try again
until you find your way and start moving on towards your dreams!