Even after writing 8 Practical Ways to Get Motivated, I couldn’t resist sharing 7 more “fierce” ways to help you get motivated.
So what’re you waiting for? Get motivated now!
1. Discover the Resistance
What’s holding you back? Is it fear? Uncertainty? “What if”
scenarios? Write this question down in your journal, “What’s holding me
back?”, and then sit with it for a few moments. Write down everything
that comes up. Once you’ve written down what’s keeping you stuck, just
the awareness of it alone will give you a new perspective, and
potentially new empowerment to start moving forward. Don’t wait, write
it down now!
2. Take the First Step
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Okay, so
you want to walk a thousand miles. What if you just took the first step,
just a baby step? What if you did the first logical thing, like making
that phone call, doing the research, filling out a form, or opening up
your book? Forget about the mountain that you want to climb and look
down at the first 2 steps in front of you. Put one foot in front of the
other. Something holding you back? See above.
3. How Badly Do You Want It?
Harness your desire! If you want it badly enough, then how can anything stop
you from getting it? What possible excuse can stand in your way? You
didn’t have the time? You’re not sure how? Write down your excuses. Then
ask yourself, “How badly do I want this?” If you want it badly
enough, then get in touch with your deep desire to get it. Then nothing
can you stop you. As Randy Pausch said, “The brick walls are not there
to keep us out; the brick walls are there to give us a chance to show
how badly we want something.”
4. What If You Don’t Do It
What’ll happen if you don’t do it? Will your life continue
to be mediocre and unremarkable? Will you regret not getting started
sooner years from now? Think about how continuing to stay in your
comfort zone makes you feel. To be stagnating and stuck. Yuck! Get
disgusted, get angry, get upset the way things have been going for you.
Think about what it’d be like if you decide to continue on this road
you’ve been on. How does not taking action affect your life negatively?
5. Make Your To-Do List
Make your to-do list… Not to look at it. To do it! Making
the list shouldn’t take you more than 5 minutes. What are you going to
do with the next 55 minutes? Start at the top with number one. Forget
about everything else and focus on completing just this first task. Remove all distractions, no Facebook, turn off your phone, and commit to getting the first task done. Finished? Great job! Now go straight to the second task. Push yourself to just start moving forward, and you will start building momentum.
6. Make It Your Top Priority
What is it that you want to get motivated on? Set your goal first.
After your goal is set, make it your number one priority. Really, how
important is the tv show you’re watching? How important is checking
Facebook again, or googling that random thought? Make this goal the top
thing in your life (aside from health, family, relationships, etc.). Get
after it. Don’t hold yourself back. If you’re feeling called upon to do
it… go for it! I promise you, you won’t regret it.
7. Get a Life Coach
Talk to a life coach. Find the right one and you’ll get inspired,
motivated, empowered, encouraged, supported, helped, and believed in.
They have an assortment of personal development tools to motivate you.
Your life coach will take you beyond just motivation to discover what’s
really holding you back and why you’re procrastinating.