Do you know why so many people have trouble dealing with anxiety?
Simply put, it boils down to a lack of perspective. Most of us think of
anxiety as something that’s irrevocably… out there; as though it were
an ominous and invisible threat plotting against our well-being.
All too frequently, people conceive of anxiety as an external factor
they cannot possibly control. Does that describe how you feel? Truth be
told, this kind of reasoning is nothing but an excuse to remain a victim
of anxiety. Even though there are a plethora of known anxiety causes
that you can’t control directly, it’s often possible to alleviate the
problem by tackling specific habits and attitudes which usually go hand
in hand with anxiety.
You may not be aware of it, but there are common habits of the mind
and body that you constantly indulge, which secretly add up to your
anxiety. Tackling these causes of anxiety will by no means eradicate
your problem, but it will help make it manageable. It will also help you
realize that you’re not a victim of your inner turmoil, as much as you’re a co-creator of it.
Understanding the most common causes of pathological anxiety
Coffee: Often regarded as a harmless beverage,
coffee is actually a highly additive anxiety-inducing drug; it makes
people more alert, but it also makes them jittery and nervous. Anyone
who suffers from anxiety disorder or any kind of pathological anxiety
issues should absolutely avoid coffee. Substitute with herbal teas and
you’ll soon feel much more in control.
Refined Sugars: Likewise with coffee, refined sugars
are also quite widespread and very much additive. If you don’t believe
it, try spending a week without ingesting any foods that contain refined
sugars. Avoiding sugar is a real challenge; not only because it’s
omnipresent, but also because you have grown used to having a daily
fix…. which makes you feel better on the short term, but soon after
induces irritability and anxiety. Just like any other drug.
Sedentary lifestyle: One of most common patterns
among anxiety sufferers is leading a highly sedentary living with little
to no physical activity. No surprises there! When you fail to provide
an outlet for all the energy and tension coursing through your body,
that energy will invariably fuel your feelings of anxiety. You need to
get in the habit of tiring your body on a regular basis, because that
will directly contribute to soothing and relaxing your mind.
Negative thinking: Most people who are adepts of
negative thinking fail to realize so. This is unfortunate, because the
on-going stream of negative thoughts is constantly fueling your feelings
of anxiety and inadequacy. How could you possibly not suffer from
anxiety, if your mind is constantly racing in negative loops? Try to
become aware of your negative thinking, and make a commitment to dismiss
those woeful clouds constantly surrounding you.
Sleep Deprivation: It’s amazing how people
underestimate the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, even
though they constantly experience the negative effects of sleep
deprivation. You must realize that sleep plays a vital role in
regulating your physical and emotional states; anything less than 7
hours per night is just not healthy and it will invariably bring you
closer to the mental edge every day.
Stress: In this day and age, people should be taught
how to deal with stress from an early age. Because left unmanaged,
stress is a negative force that can cause real damage in your life. If
you constantly feel as though you’re unable to cope with your
responsibilities and if you have a really hard time keeping up with your
routine… that could become one of the major sources of anxiety in your
life. Find ways to improve your ability to deal with stress, and your
peace of mind will soon be reinforced.
Victim Mindset: It’s very hard not to get caught up
in the victim mindset when you have chronic anxiety problems. But when
it happens, it will make you feel as though you are just irrevocably
stuck with your anxiety issues. Please don’t buy such silly ideas! You
are only a victim while you refuse dealing with your problems. And as
you may have realized from reading this article, managing anxiety can be
done in rather subtle and seemingly indirect ways.
Remember, anxiety is not your enemy.
It’s not an invisible enemy waiting to get you. Anxiety is more of a
consequence of your dissatisfaction, rather than a cause. Understand
what’s sourcing this problem and do your best to deal with it; as you do
so, you’ll be effectively undermining the power anxiety has over you,
and it will gradually become easier to cope.