The phrase “positive thinking” has become somewhat of a buzzword in a
lot of ways in our culture today. So many books and experts suggest
“positive thinking” as a solution to low self esteem and confidence
issues without ever really exploring what the phrase means.
Positive thinking involves much more than
just deciding one day that you will change the way you think. Obviously,
altering the way you think about yourself and the world around you is a
difficult task. Oftentimes we fail to sit back and consider that the
way in which we think about ourselves and the world very much shapes our
world and our lives.
Negative thinking has a way of affecting
every aspect of our lives without us even realizing it. So much of our
happiness and our success rely on our ability to think positively and
create positive situations. However, the trek to a positive attitude and
positive self thought is no easy path. Follow these three steps in self
improvement to gain the ability to think positively and create a new
way of life.
Be Aware: Hear Yourself self awareness is an essential step in any form of self improvement.
You have to be aware of yourself and the things around you before you
can understand them and then learn to change and improve them. Before
you can learn to alter your way of thinking you have to be aware of how
you think in the first place. Take the time to monitor your thoughts and
feeling carefully. Listen to yourself throughout the day. When doing
this you may be surprised to find just how much thinking you do that you
are not completely aware of throughout the day. Pay attention to those
negative beliefs you hold that pop up without you realizing it, listen
for negative thoughts, watch for negative actions (and reactions), and
pay close attention to negative feelings that arise. All of these things
are utterly important to be aware of. You should work hard to be
conscience of the vocabulary you use throughout the day. Start by simply
changing the words you use. Rather than saying “I have my job,” try
rewording and rethinking things to say “I would love to find a new
career”. While this may sound trite, merely changing the vocabulary you
use is a great start to positive thinking.
Take Responsibility: It’s All about You one of the most common forms of negative thinking involves placing
blame on other things. Of course, we all do this. We point the finger at
anything but ourselves at times. This is an easy path to take and a
difficult habit to break. By placing the blame for something that is bad
on someone else, you take the attention off of yourself. This, of
course, is only a temporary fix. Even when we place the blame one
someone else, that negative energy is still there. Turing the attention
away from ourselves can never lead to a successful solution. After you
have worked to become more self aware, you have to learn to take
responsibility for your feelings, actions, and thoughts. By taking
responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and emotions, they become
something that you can control and change. Part of placing blame is
believing you are powerless. Take responsibility for yourself and, in
turn, gain control of yourself. Only after you admit fault and take
responsibility for yourself and your thinking can you successfully alter
the way you think and act.
Make the Commitment: Change Your Attitude each of these steps in self improvement is equally as important as
the next. Without self awareness and acceptance, there is no hope for
change. The final step in gaining a positive outlook and positive inner
voice is committing to change. You must commit fully to positive self
thought. Without total commitment very little progress can be made.
This, of course, will inevitably take some time and dedication. With a
history of negative thinking and blame, it can be very difficult to
change our ways. Much of that thinking has become a natural response to
our actions and our environment. For this reason, it is essential that
you fully commit to creating a more positive inner voice for yourself.
Create goals for new beliefs, new outlooks on certain things, and new
distinctions for things. Make the commitment to creating a healthier
self and a happier mind. By thinking positively and owning our thoughts
we can learn to control our situation and master our bad moods.