We’ve all heard it. Someone says something along the lines of, “To be
young -well, don’t get too used to it because it’s all down hill from
here.” We safely heed this warning, but as the years pass and we don’t
see the ultra-rapid decline we expect, we begin to ask ourselves if
there’s any truth to the belief that we peak when we’re young. A little
bit of psychological research gives us the answer we’re looking for.
Dr. K. Warner Schaie, an American social gerontologist and
psychologist, is a co-founder of the Seattle Longitudinal Study. Started
in 1956 and still running today, the Seattle Longitudinal Study looks
at aging as it relates to cognition by measuring the abilities of
participants from birth through old age. As of present, the study has
produced some amazing findings.
Contrary to popular belief we don’t begin a rapid cognitive decline
at age 18, 21, or 25-the arbitrary ages usually associated with peak. In
fact, with the exception of perceptual speed and numeric ability*, our
skills increase steadily until we are about age 55. It is much more
accurate to say that we peak in mid-life when inductive reasoning,
spatial orientation, perceptual speed, numeric ability, verbal ability,
and verbal memory all seem to balance out.
Take a look at the graph below-notice that the abilities of most
people tend to align between ages 53 and 60, much later than popular
wisdom would have us believe!
Of course the Seattle Longitudinal Study has scientific implications,
but on another level it is very motivational. Many are discouraged when
they’re told the falsity that they will peak at a young age; thinking
that they are past their prime they shy away from their goals and
dreams. Dr. Schaie’s work has us realize that getting older is not a
detriment, but advantageous, and that with each year we should be moved
to action. Let’s look at a hypothetical situation in which the Seattle
Longitudinal Study inspires.
Lisa, a 50-something, wants to go back to school. She knows that she
will have to adapt to the academic life but questions whether she can
truly keep up with younger peers. Her friend Susane, a counselor by
profession, tells her about the Seattle Longitudinal Study and the
advantages of age. Motivated, Lisa takes the leap and enrolls for the
fall semester. School begins, and after a few weeks of adjustment she
finds that age is indeed a useful friend. Lisa’s perceptual speed may
have waned a bit over the years, but her vocabulary, oration, and
logical reasoning are superior to that of her younger peers-she does
If you ever catch yourself limiting your choices because of age,
remember the story of Lisa. Don’t pay any mind to those who tell you
that, “it’s all down hill from here.” You can accomplish your goals and
dreams-be happy for each candle on the cake because a year older is
truly a year wiser.
*Scientists, engineers, programmers, and mathematicians may be
horror-struck by the Seattle Longitudinal Study’s recorded decline in
numeric ability over time. Most people, however, don’t use their math
minds on a day-to-day basis. For those of us who do, we can probably
conjecture an increase, or at least a lessened decline, in numeric
ability with age.
Greg Daniels is a writer currently based in Singapore. He holds a
bachelor of arts in applied psychology from Pace University in New
York City, where he won a graduating award for his writing on the
topics of psychology, technology, and education.
Work Cited:
Hedden, Trey, and John D. E. Gabrieli. “Insights into the Ageing
Mind: a View from Cognitive Neuroscience.” Nature Reviews Neuroscience
5.2 (2004): 87-96. Print.