It’s all over the news.
You can’t avoid it.
No matter how much we try to deny it…
The world is coming to an end. (Play eerie music here)
Just this year alone we have had a prediction about the end of the
world or rapture. The U.S. Government has been downgraded by S&P.
Greece and Spain are in utter disarray. People are being laid off,
losing their homes and are quickly watching the balances of their
retirement savings diminish. I mean with times like this what is the
purpose of going on? We might as well give up now. It looks like all is
lost, right?
Wrong! The troubles and the issues we face rather personally or as a
nation are here for a purpose. Challenges do not arise to kill us, they
come into existence so that they can be overcome. I am not afraid of a
debt ceiling. I am not afraid of being laid off. I am certainly not
afraid of inaccurate predictions, foreclosures, or plummeting investment
accounts. What I am afraid of is the lack of faith that we as human
beings have in each other.
In the U.S. our ancestors survived the Great Depression. We survived
the Great Market Crash of 1929. We survived the financial crisis of
2008. We rebuilt after the devastating attacks on the Trade Center
towers on 9/11. We will survive today’s challenges. We are a nation full
of people who learn and strive through adversity.
I could care less about political parties and selfish agendas. I care
about my neighbor who is a single parent working two jobs to feed her
children. She gives me hope. I care about the guy who just got laid off
from his job who has the courage to start his own business. He gives me
inspiration. I care about the children who press their way to school,
from broken and damaged homes, with no supplies trying to educate
themselves. They motivate me to make keep trying to make a difference.
So, instead of wasting our time focusing on everything we see going
wrong, lets take the time and do something right. The purpose of
adversity is to make us stronger. Who have you strengthened today?
I refuse to be a participant in chaos. I want to be an advocate for
solutions. Let’s build from the ashes of our past failures and pour a
solid foundation that future generations can stand on.
Here’s some great ways for us to help based on the needs of the people:
- Resume Seminars
- Interviewing Seminars
- Volunteering
- Debt Consolidation Programs (not scams)
- Book sharing- If you read a great book pass it to a friend.
- Donate school supplies
- Career development coaching
- Financial literacy and responsibility programs
The more hands that get involved, the faster we change the news
headlines into something worth reading. Let’s make a difference. I
understand the purpose of adversity and I am up to the challenge. Who’s
with me?