Patience is the companion of wisdom. -Saint Augustine
Some people never really master the art of being patient, and at
times, all of us struggle with being patient. Sometimes a certain
situation or a certain person just pushes our buttons, making it much
more difficult for us to remain patient. Once you lose your patience,
things tend to go badly. It becomes harder to concentrate, and it
becomes harder to be polite and civil to other people. If you are
working on a project of some kind, and you lose your patience, you will
often find that you must leave your work until you have regained your
Learning to be patient takes time, and somewhat paradoxically, it
takes patience to learn to be patient. Patience is acquired as you
acquire wisdom, and wisdom is the child of experience. No one is born
wise, just as no one is born patient. As you learn and grow and
experience things in your life, you will become wiser. When you are a
wise person you know how to react in certain situations. You also know
how to interact with many different kinds of people.
For example, you start your first job in a big office, and you do not
really know how to work with a large group of people in a professional
setting. This is not unusual as you have never had the experience of
working in an office before. At first it might be difficult to
understand your job or the complexities of office politics, and this can
be very frustrating. You might even lose patience with yourself, but
over time you will learn, and with this new found wisdom, you will be
able to interact with more confidence and patience.
At first, it might be disconcerting is someone at work disagrees with
you. It might make you become flustered or you might even be overruled
simply because the other person has been with the company longer.
However, with experience, you will learn how to craft your arguments so
that you present your opinions clearly and succinctly. With experience,
you will less likely become frustrated when presented with such a
situation. The wisdom you gain from experience helps to give you the
patience that you need when dealing with someone who does not agree with
you. Some corporate environments can be particularly aggressive, and
the more patience that you have, the better you will cope in such an
environment. Time brings the patience that will help you to excel.
Though it might be difficult, you should strive to be patient in your
life. It helps you in nearly all situations. You must keep in mind that
patience will come with experience and wisdom. Though it will take
time, most people eventually learn to be more patient than they were
when they were young. You will have to work at it though, and patience
will not just come by itself. Age does not always mean that someone is
wise, and wisdom does not always mean that someone is patient, though
the two often go hand in hand. So what will you do to become more