Laing Burns Jr. said, “Success often comes to those who have the
aptitude to see way down the road.” It’s important that you read
articles like this one because they increase your insight and give you
the ability to see further down the road. Let this article help
motivate you on your path to success. Without further adieu…
5 Incredible Success Lessons:
1. Hard Work
“God gives every bird a worm, but he does not throw it into the nest.” –Swedish Proverb
Success requires hard work. If you’re not working very hard, you’re
probably not on the path to success; you may be on a treadmill. It
takes hard work to succeed. It takes enough discipline to create the
right habits, an attitude that doesn’t relent, and a work ethic that few
are willing to bear.
2. Take Responsibility
“Possession of the ball is the key to winning in football, basketball, and the game of life.”
–Laing Burns, Jr.
–Laing Burns, Jr.
In the game of life you have the ball. Don’t try to give the ball to fate, luck, or chance. Take the ball and play the game.
Can you even decide the game you play? You have the ball, you decide the game, life has been set up for you to win!
3. Act Like You Can’t Fail
“Act as though it is impossible to fail.” –Anonymous
I didn’t say failure was impossible, but you should act like it is. I
didn’t say you wouldn’t fail, but you should act like you won’t. Why?
Because your attitude will ultimately determine your altitude. If you
see yourself as a success, you will eventually succeed. Act like the
successful do, don’t be timid or shy; play like you’re going to win the
4. Fail Miserably
“Unless you’re willing to have a go, fail miserably, and have another go, success won’t happen.” –Phillip Adams
It’s okay to fail; it’s even okay to fail miserably. The only way to
success is on the path of failure. When you fall, pick yourself up,
dust yourself off, learn from your mistakes and keep moving. You have
time to succeed. If you stay focused in an area where you’re
passionate, and where you have a natural advantage, you will succeed.
5. Plan and Succeed
“An Unfailing Success Plan: At each day’s end write down the six
most important things to do tomorrow; number them in order of
importance, and then do them.” –Anonymous
This is the recipe for success. Plan your days and then complete
your plans. I would be remiss not to mention that you should complete
the most important tasks first. These are the ones you usually don’t
want to do because they require you to leave your comfort zone. But
growth only occurs when you’re uncomfortable, get accustomed to being
uncomfortable. Get comfortable being uncomfortable, soon you will grow,
soon you will succeed.
In Closing
Dell Crossword said, “Success is not permanent. The same is also true
of failure.” If you’ve failed in the past, that doesn’t mean you have
to fail in the future. If you follow the steps in this article you will
begin to succeed. Make sure you work in an area that makes you happy,
ensure you work towards your passion, and one day, that which you seek,
you will find.
Thank you for reading and be sure to pass this article along!