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Four Steps To Tap Into The Power Of Fear

Fear is something you probably avoid at all costs.

If you’re nervous in elevators, you might take the stairs.

If you’re afraid of heights, you probably wouldn’t go on a skiing vacation.

And if you’re scared of the ocean, the beach is most likely not on your list of hot spots is it?

But have you ever thought about what it really costs you when you try to live without fear?

If you’re afraid of being hurt or taken advantage of in a relationship, if you’re terrified to leave your dead-end job or if you simply try to keep yourself busy to avoid worrying about money and other day to day things…

Then it’s official….

Fear is taking over your life and you’re letting it happen.

Even if you’ve “figured” out how to push it away , you’re still giving a tremendous amount of energy to fear by trying to avoid it.

But what if you started jumping in head first believing, “Screw it, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em is”…

Would that be an outrageous way to think about fear or what?

If you could stop resisting and  just accept what you can’t change how much space in your mind would free up?

More than you think, and you might want to seriously consider giving it a try, because there are few things I know from too much experience.

You can’t get angry to avoid fear, you can’t ignore it for long, and you can’t let it swallow you whole…

Or can you?

What if you could find a way to look at your fear, high five it and surrender to its power.

What if you just rode that bitch straight to freedom of the soul just like a champion surfer greets and rides gigantic 10-20 foot waves? (And they don’t just ride them – they pray for them!)

What if you could see waves of fear as a sign that you’re present and started craving it every time you felt a little numb inside, trapped in the matrix of your mind?

What if every time you got scared, you felt joy at the fact you’re paying attention and experience the right here and now, standing bravely in the middle of all of it?

What if fear was your invitation to raise your hand giving the signal you’re ready, able and willing to take the hint and move forward once and for all?

How outrageous would that feel?

Fear can be your FRIEND if you let it.

It’s your greatest tool!

Fear is a super charged magnifying glass to your biggest blocks of what’s holding you back.  And fear has the power to start turning your perceived barriers into stepping stones.

All it takes is a dash of awareness to tap into it’s power.

If you could LOOK for the fear hidden beneath almost every single “negative” emotion you have such as anger, sadness, depression or frustration, do you truly understand how outrageous you would feel??

Think about this. In the past, when you’ve gotten mad at someone for rejecting your idea, wasn’t there some fear based belief tucked away quietly nagging and heckling you with words like no one will ever understand or appreciate you?

But if you knew it would all be worth it somehow…

If you could see fear as your door to the next level of you, would you ever run from it again?

Once you see fear is just the child in you grasping at some unknown limiting belief you’ll be able to use the power of fear for good- YOUR good.

Just try taking my 4 step process to tap it the power of fear any time you want to:

1. Face it.

Just say hello and sit with fear instead of pushing it away or resisting it.

If you kept hearing a strange noise in the middle of the night, it’s not until you turn on the light to see what it is, that you can relax right?  No.

It’s the same with fear. Facing fear just simply means flipping on your internal light switch by acknowledging it.

2. Embrace It.

Feel the fear and let is course through you.

Mentally say, “I’m feeling fearful about being good enough at my job for my boss. If I’m not good enough he’ll fire me. If he fires me I can’t pay my rent and it also will mean I’m a bad person and might never find another job.” Simply try embracing how that feels while knowing it’s only an illusion you’ve conjured up to point you in a a better direction.

3. Accept It.

Once you’ve said hello to your fear, welcome it with open arms as you pay attention to how angry, sad or depressed it makes you feel.

Accept the limitations of your processing unit.  Stop resisting the reality you’ve got a fear inside of you limiting the power of your belief system.

Acceptance is your key to dropping your resistance and therefore reducing the amount of suffering you are experiencing.

4. Rejoice.

Now it’s time to use fear as the catalyst to get deep inside and fix what is broken because fear is the squeaky wheel that says, “Hey something isn’t working over here.” Each pain point in your life is the symptom of a greater root cause that’s usually much older than your fear..

By facing, embracing and accepting your fears you can leverage fear to blow through the illusions and roadblocks keeping you from tapping into your true potential. Watch pure joy and gratitude come when you learn to celebrate the insight you just had thanks to moving through your fear.

Try comforting yourself with words of encouragement every time you face, embrace and accept your fears – they rejoice at how free you feel!

The greatest gift you can give yourself is comforting you with words of encouragement every time you face, embrace and accept your fears.

Allowing fear to fester lowers your frequency and ability to focus on attracting opportunities to move your forward.

Even if your heart just got broken and your fear is driving you to believe you’ll never be loved – it’s an amazing vehicle for your immediate transformation.

Fear can get you back on track to loving you which will have a massive impact on your vibrations. This means you will begin to finally send out signals to the “right” people; oher people who are also in a state of self-love to start coming your way. The same goes for abundance and other desires you might have.

Becoming aware of your fear and accepting the limitations of your processing unit (your personality and image) will guide you to the path of least resistance to outrageously growing yourself once and for all.