Suppose you set your sights on a certain position at your place of
work. You try more than once to get hired for that position, but the
organization’s structure seems completely inflexible and adverse to
internal moves and changes. What do you do?
Most people tend to complain, blame, lose hope, and then suffer their
disappointment in silence. Unfortunately, they overlook a very
important success strategy.
Before you start pining away for that elusive position, you must
first do a reality check to see whether you qualify for your goal.
You might aim for something that requires a more advanced skill set
than you currently possess, or that simply doesn’t correspond with your
abilities at all. In those cases, you need to put some serious effort
into yourself before you cry, blame, or complain about the unfairness of
Look to others who hold positions similar to the one you’re after and
examine how they think, what they do, and what their qualifications
If you believe that you really qualify for that position, then all
you need to do is be patient and stay determined to remain ready until
you get what you want. Maybe it is just not the right time for you to
get that position.
The key success strategy here is about preparation & patience.
Preparation Attracts Aspiration.
When your goal appears very far away and unreachable, don’t lose
hope. Prepare day and night. Work on yourself and increase your personal
value and quality.
As you work and move toward your goal, you will attract more
opportunities to you. And when the moment comes and the opportunity
presents itself, you better be ready to seize it.
Just imagine opportunity knocking on your door only to find that you’re not ready for it yet! Opportunity doesn’t wait around in the driveway for you—and it certainly doesn’t knock twice.
So before going into a downward spiral of blame, complaints, and
negative thoughts, be clear about your goal, prepare for it, and then
A Story from Ancient Egypt: Follow Thutmose III’s Success Strategy
Let me take you back five thousand years and share with you a story
from ancient Egypt that demonstrates the ultimate power of preparation
and patience.
It’s a scene from the reign of Thutmose III, who was the sixth
Pharaoh of the Eighteenth Dynasty. Thutmose III was the son of Pharaoh
Thutmose II and Iset, a secondary wife of Thutmose II.
Because he was the pharaoh’s only son, Thutmose III would have become
the first in line for the throne when Thutmose II died. However,
because he was not the son of his father’s royal queen, his degree of
royalty was less than ideal. To bolster his qualifications, he would
have to marry a daughter of Thutmose II and Hatshepsut, the royal queen.
And that’s what he did: he married their daughter Neferure.
When Thutmose II died, Thutmose III was still too young to rule, so
Hatshepsut became his regent, then his co-regent. Shortly thereafter,
she was declared pharaoh.
Thutmose III had little power over the empire while Hatshepsut
exercised the formal authority of kingship. Her rule was quite
prosperous and marked by great advancements and, during her
revolutionary reign, Thutmose III was kept well in the background.
Once he came of age and demonstrated his capabilities, Hatshepsut appointed him to head her armies. And for twenty-two years thereafter he served as the head of his stepmother’s armies.
After the death of Hatshepsut, Thutmose III ruled Egypt in his own
right for thirty years. He created the largest empire Egypt had ever
seen: no fewer than seventeen military campaigns were conducted, and he
conquered lands from Syria to Nubia . After his years of campaigning
were over, he established himself as a great builder pharaoh.
Thutmose III was responsible for building over fifty temples in Egypt
and effecting massive additions to Egypt ‘s chief temple at Karnak .
New levels of artistic skill were reached during his reign, as well as
unique architectural developments never seen before or after his time.
Can you see how powerful preparation and patience are?
Thutmose III was patient, worked continuously to improve and prepare
himself, and stayed ready until the moment came when he was able to rule
Egypt. Then his achievements became a lasting legacy that amazes the
modern world to this day.
Never lose hope. No matter what the current circumstances are, there
are plenty of things you can do from your side by working on yourself,
increasing your value, and preparing yourself for the right opportunity.
Remember this important success strategy: Preparation Attracts Aspiration.
What one action can you perform today to prepare for your ultimate goal?