There are many famous quotes out there, but there are only a few with the power to touch your heart.
In this article, I’ve gathered 9 famous quotes that will not only
supercharge your day and make you wise, but also inspire you to go after
your wildest dreams and aspirations.
The truth of the matter is that you can become and have anything you
want in this world. The only person stopping you is yourself.
With all that said, let’s jump right into the famous quotes, shall we?
1. ‘Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.’ – Van Wilder
We all worry more than we have to. When you think back in your life
to the times when you worried excessively, did your worrying actually
solve anything?
If you really think about it, I think you will find that worrying
doesn’t help nor does it solve anything. In fact, it often makes things
much worse and it makes you feel bad.
Whenever you start worrying, instantly shift your focus to what you
can do about the problem right now. If there’s nothing to do, let it go.
2. ‘It’s your thinking that decides whether you’re going to succeed or fail.’ – Henry Ford
Most people are more than happy to make excuses and give reasons for why they can’t do something.
It is in their thoughts that most people fail. One of the most common
characteristics of successful people is that they are optimistic,
positive, and they never give up.
They constantly imagine themselves succeeding and they face and
overcome challenges easily. If you want to go after your dream life, you
first have to get your thinking in order.
3. ‘Remember that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.’ – Abraham Lincoln
It is your own resolution and determination which decides whether you succeed or not.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve failed dozens or even hundreds of times, because if you don’t give up, your success is inevitable.
You can be a success, live a life full of passion, and have everything you desire, if you will just make the decision.
4. ‘You can do anything, but not everything.’ – David Allen
You can do anything you want, but not everything at the same time.
You have to pick a few primary goals in your life that you want to
pursue right now.
Or even better; just pick one.
This will not only help you make more progress, but it will make you feel motivated and inspired to take action.
When you focus on as few things as possible, you give your subconscious mind a solid target to aim at.
5. ‘You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.’ – Wayne Gretzky
How many regrets do you have? How many times have you wished that you would’ve had the courage to do something?
If you’re like most people, it’s pretty often.
Take that feeling and use it to take action right now. Go after what
you want, even though you may not believe that it is possible.
Go take that new yoga class, try painting because you always wanted to try it, or start your online business today.
6. ‘We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’ – Aristotle
Courage, self-discipline, and the ability to get things done is not
something you’re born with. You can cultivate the habit of being
productive and achieving your goals by constantly doing so.
The people that are living their dream lives are able to do so
because they have taken action. They have been where you are, and they
have overcome their inertia and started moving forward.
And they have kept moving forward despite their fears and despite any challenges that stood in their way.
You can do the same. You can always make excuses but the truth is that you can always do something, so begin with that.
7. ‘Work like you don’t need money, love like you’ve never been hurt, and dance like no one’s watching.’ – Unknown Author
When you find work that you would do for free, you have found your
passion and calling in life. When you have no expectations, your life
will be like dance.
Most people love because they want to be loved. And most people don’t dance, because they fear embarrassment.
I say, love because it feels good, and dance even though you may look like a complete idiot if that is what you want to do.
Life is meant to be an adventure full of fun, passion, and meaning. You are the only one that can create that for you.
8. ‘Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.’ – Albert Einstein
Use your imagination to create the life of your dreams. You’ve heard
of the law of attraction, which is excellent, but what most people often
forget is that there’s also a law of action.
Use your imagination to plant the seed in your subconscious mind
about what you want, but after that start taking massive action.
You can have what you want, if you will only go after it. I repeat
this over and over because it is true and I want you to understand that.
9.’The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.’ – Lao Tzu
No matter what you want to accomplish in life. And no matter how long
you think the journey is, it all begins with a single step.
For example, building a profitable online business begins with a
single step. You can take that step today if you choose to, or you can
put it off until another day.
And that day may never come, so you as well get started now.
If you want more information on how to change your life for the
better, Henri writes at Wake Up Cloud, where you can get his FREE
life-changing course: Find Your Passion in 5 Days or Less.