I suspect everybody on the planet has a tough talk “To Do” list – the
list of difficult conversations we really should have, but keep putting
Talking with your significant other about their parents, asking your
best friend about the money they owe you, telling your co-worker to quit
making loud personal calls. Oh, and explaining the birds and the bees
to your…. now 10-year-old. Well, that one he may have figured out
without you.
We put these difficult conversations off because we dread the
reaction, we don’t want to start a fight, or don’t want to handle it
badly or sound petty. Interestingly, the way we bring things up (or
respond to their attacks) actually makes it more likely that we’ll do
Here are 5 insights to help you sidestep typical traps, and have a real conversation:
1. Don’t Ease In or Be Indirect. Anxious about a
confrontation, we instead come at the topic sideways, and this is bound
to leave them feeling ambushed. Making indirect suggestions or using
leading questions will only make it worse. You’re implicitly
communicating: “what I want to say to you is SO BAD… I can’t even say it
Stating the issue more directly actually makes it less of a big deal:
“Hey, do you think you could keep it down? I’ve just got to focus to
get this out the door…..” or “By the way, if I remember right, you still
owe me some money. Any idea when you might be able to pay it back?”
2. Stop Their “Hit & Run” with Humor. Sometimes
you’re skipping along happily through your life, and someone else lobs a
sarcastic remark in passing and “bam!” you are left feeling ambushed
and abandoned. Perhaps you are at your parents’ house for Thanksgiving
and your aunt, ever critical of your “insistence on working” rather than
staying home with the kids full-time, watches your boys bop each other
on the head and comments, “Yes, well, I’m sure they just don’t get
enough attention.”
You can fume. Or you can speak up. I’d speak up, and with a bit of
humor, “You know, if I thought that staying home would mean they
wouldn’t fight… boy that might actually change my mind!”
But don’t leave it at that, because you risk simply returning
sarcastic quip for hurtful quip. Actually say: “But I should ask, do you
think they would behave differently if I were home? Because that’s
3. Realize the Issue Isn’t the Real Issue. Whatever
the argument is about – where you’ll spend the holidays, who forgot to
call the plumber, what you’re having for dinner – chances are this isn’t
the real issue driving the dispute. If the conversation becomes
difficult, what you are really fighting about is how you’re each feeling
treated by the other. Do you care about my feelings? Can I rely on
you? Do you appreciate all I do for you?
Not every fight has to be about these larger issues, but humans are
hard-wired to see patterns and to seek emotional safety, so whatever the
themes are in your relationship, they will play out over and over under
the cover of everyday squabbles.
4. The Real Issues Need to Be Managed….Not Resolved.
Ready for this? Marriage researcher John Gottman of the University of
Washington says that 64 percent of the fights married couples have are
the SAME fights they are having five years later.
This is either really depressing, or really liberating. In other
words, most of the things we fight about aren’t actually resolvable.
It’s a process of managing differences in preferences, habits and
personalities – differences that aren’t going to go away, so we might as
well quit getting worked up about “how they are” and instead focus on
working out ways to get around those issues.
5. Talk Backwards as Well as Forwards. Since so much
of what we fight about are really surface reflections of deeper
differences, put your energy into understanding those differences. If
you argue about money, talk about where your attitudes, fears and habits
around money came from. How did your parents handle money? What are
your worst fears?
This is helpful even when the topic seems more mundane. For the
first five years of our marriage, my husband and I could not pick out a
Christmas tree without having an enormous fight. We fought about when
to go. We fought about where to go. We fought about which tree. We
fought about why he was being so difficult and ruining such a joyous
expedition (which it decidedly was not).
This is actually one of the fights we’re not having anymore. It’s
because we finally sat down to talk about our early family experiences
and resulting emotional associations with getting and decorating the
Christmas tree. Needless to say, we had opposite experiences and
traditions, and I was replicating exactly the obligatory, pressured
early experience he had always dreaded. Simply understanding what he
was reacting to, and his understanding that this wasn’t my experience or
intention, actually changed things. We decided to create our own
tradition around the tree, which he is in charge of.
We’ll go get the tree any day now… right?
Today, while I was at work, my cousin stole my iphone
and tested to see if it can survive a 40 foot drop,
just so she can be a youtube sensation. My apple ipad is now broken
and she has 83 views. I know this is completely off topic but I had to share it with someone!
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